Action Samuel Kim While Fanmeeting Make Fans Crazy!


Was hit in the face? Most people will definitely get irritated and think it no fun. However, one of the fans of Samuel Kim is considered lucky after the ' beaten ' by his idols.

On July 16, yesterday, Samuel Kim who just debuted conducting fanmeeting to greet his fans in AMP Mall in Hong Kong. One of his female fans ever have the opportunity to dance alongside Samuel on stage, but the accidental things that occurred was done by Samuel.

The faces of fans dancing together the Samuel hit by his hand. Although not strong, Samuel still feel guilty to direct and the fans embraced him that makes the fans noisy location.

Video the Sam. hug that fans have been scattered in various social media and make his fans envy and hope ' beaten ' by Samuel Kim.

Just you guys see Samuel who cuddles with fans through video here!

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